Майкъл Туджиъс, Кейси Шърман
Часът на героите (27) (Историята на най-героичната спасителна операция на бреговата охрана на САЩ)

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The Finest Hours: The True Story of the U. S. Coast Guard’s Most Daring Sea Rescue, (Пълни авторски права)
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Автор: Майкъл Туджиъс; Кейси Шърман

Заглавие: Часът на героите

Преводач: Боряна Борисова

Година на превод: 2015

Език, от който е преведено: английски (не е указано)

Издание: първо

Издател: ProBook

Град на издателя: София

Година на издаване: 2015

Тип: роман

Националност: американска

Печатница: „Симолини“

Излязла от печат: 07.12.2015

Редактор: Боряна Борисова; Георги Иванов

Коректор: Георги Иванов

ISBN: 978-954-2928-82-9

Адрес в Библиоман: https://biblioman.chitanka.info/books/10845


  1. — Добавяне

Избрана библиография

Доклади на правителствени агенции

• Marine Board of Investigation; structural failure of tanker PENDLETON off Cape Cod — United States Coast Guard

• Marine Board of Investigation; structural failure of tanker FORT MERCER off Cape Cod — United States Coast Guard

• Marine Board of Investigation/Collision of USCGC Eastwind and SS Gulfstream, U. S. Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation: structural failure of tanker PINE RIDGE off Cape Hatteras, United States Coast Guard

• Marine Board of Investigation: disappearance of SS

• Pennsylvania, US Coast Guard

• M/V Spartan Lady Rescue, US Coast Guard memorandum

• Communications Study of the Loss of the Tankers Fort Mercer and Pendleton

• Priority Dispatch from COMEASTAREA to USCGC Eastwind 18 FEB. 1952 — United States Coast Guard

• Priority Dispatch from CCDG ONE to COGUARD CHATHAM LBS 19 FEB. 1952 — United States Coast Guard

• Priority Dispatch from NODA/CGC MCCULOCH to HIPS/CCGD ONE 19 FEB. 1952 — United States Coast Guard

• Operational Immediate Dispatch from CHATHAM MASS LBS to ZEN/CCGDONE 19 FEB. 1952 — United States Coast Guard

• Operational Immediate Dispatch from CGC MCCULOCH to CCGD ONE 18 FEB. 1952 — United States Coast Guard

• Marine Casualty Report for the SS MARINE ELECTRIC — United States Coast Guard

• Marine Board of Investigation into disappearance of F/V Paolina — US Coast Guard

• The U. S. Coast Guard in the Vietnam War — www.uscg.mil

Статии от вестници и телеграфни агенции

• „6 More Die Leaping for Life Rafts“ — Boston American, February 19,1952

• „32 Saved Off Tankers“ & „33 Deaths, Huge Loss Caused by N. E. Storm“ & „20,000 Marooned“ & „6 Crewmen on Fort Mercer Believed Lost“ & „Hero Rescuers Took Terrific Beating“ „46 In Peril“ — The Boston Globe, February 19, 1952

• „Storm Ties Up N. E.“ — Boston Globe, February 18, 1952

• „Rescued Seamen Tell Stories“ & „Pendleton Cut Speed Before She Split in Two“ — Boston Globe, February 20, 1952

• „Maine Rescuers Fight Toward 1,000 Stranded“ & „Crewmen Abandon Storm-Struck Craft“ — Boston Globe Special Edition, February 18, 1952

• „Five Deaths in Wild Northeaster“ — Boston Globe, February 18, 1952

• „Smashed Lifeboat Found [Paolina]“ — Boston Globe, February 17, 1952

• „An Epic Job“ — Boston Globe, February 23, 1952

• „Tugs Pulling Stern“ & „Mercer Crew Score Leadership“ — Boston Globe, February 22, 1952

• „Unusual Leaks on Fort Mercer, Mate Testifies“ — Boston Globe, February 26, 1952

• „70 Saved, 14 Dead After 2 Ships Split“ — Boston Herald, February 20, 1952

• „32 Saved, 50 Missing, Two Perish As 2 Tankers Break Up Off Cape“ — Boston Herald, February 19, 1952

• „First a Roar, Then She Split“ — Boston Herald, February 19, 1952

• „Pendleton’s Survivors Tell of Harrowing Ordeal at Sea“ — Boston Herald, February 20,1952

• „Cloth Rope Saved Four“ — Boston Herald, February 20,1952

• „Half Tanker Bucks Gale“ — Boston Herald, February 22, 1952

• „Fort Mercer Stern Arrives Safely in Newport“ Boston Herald, February 23, 1952

• „1500 Marooned“ & „Split Bow, Stern of 1 Craft Sighted“ — Boston Herald, February 18, 1952

• „Maine Snow-bunk Entombs“ & „Storm Death Toll Set at 31“ — Boston Herald, February 21, 1952

• „Broken Tanker First Noticed on Radar“ — Boston Herald, February 26, 1952

• „13 Refuse to Quit Hulk of Tanker-58 Saved“ — Boston Post, February 20, 1952

• „Salvage Tugs Move in to Tow Broken Hulks“ & „Admiral Lauds 4 in Epic Small Boat Rescue“ — Boston Traveler, February 20, 1952

• „40 on Tanker Sections“ — Boston Traveler, February 19, 1952

• „18 Tanker Men Here“ — Boston Traveler, February 20, 1952

• „Storm Tossed Dragger Safe“ — Cape Cod Standard Times, February 20, 1952

• „Four Chatham Coast Guars Rescue 32“ — Cape Cod Standard Times, February, 19, 1952

• „Tanker Stern Being Towed“ — Cape Cod Times, February 23, 1952

• „Coast Guards Save 18 Men Off Nantucket“ — Cape Cod Times, February 20, 1952

• „Bow of Pendleton Yields Seaman’s Body“ — Cape Cod Standard Times, February 25, 1952

• „Fact Finding Panel Takes Testimony“ — Cape Cod Standard Times, February 21, 1952

• „Heroes of 1952 Return to the Sea“ — Cape Cod Times, May 16, 2002

• „Plight of 40 Fathoms Last Week Overlooked For Tanker Wrecks“ — Cape Codder, February 28, 1952

• „Lurid Stories Crop Up“ — Cape Codder, February 28, 1952

• „Salvage Work on Pendleton Watched“ — Cape Codder, August 16, 1956

• „Rescue Boat Rescue Underway“ — Cape Codder, November 17, 1981

• „Volunteers to the Rescue“ — Cape Codder, December 8, 1981

• „Coast Guardsmen Honored for Heroic Actions of Long Ago“ — Cape Codder, May 17, 2002

• „Sailors Rescued at Height of Storm“ — Central Cape Press, February 21, 1952

• „32 Rescued, 55 Cling to Split Ships Off Cape“ — Daily Record, February 19, 1952

• „15 Lost as 2 Tankers Split off Cape“ — New Bedford Standard Times, February 19, 1952

• „Battered Ships, Weary Survivors Mark New Epic of Sea“ — New Bedford Standard Times, February 20, 1952

• „Senate Unit Seeks Data on All Gains Made in Ship Deals“ — NY Times, February 18, 1952

• „Two Ships Torn Apart“ — NY Times, February 19, 1952

• „Saw Tanker Peril“ — NY Times, February 22, 1952

• „25 More Rescued in Tanker Wreck“, — NY Times, February 20, 1952

• „2 Tugs Tow Stern of Broken Tanker“ — NY Times, February 22, 1952

• „Snowstorm Kills 30 in New England“ — NY Times, February 19, 1952

• „Mercer Stern Safe“ — Portland Herald Press, February 22,1952

• „Tanker Skipper“ — Portland Herald Press, February 22,1952

• „57 Men Are Snatched From Sea“ — Portland Herald Press, February 19, 1952

• „Brant Point Crew Plows Through Seas“ — Nantucket Town Crier, February 22, 1952

Книги & статии от списания

• Bernard С. Webber. Chatham „The Lifeboatmen“ Orleans, Massachusetts. Lower Cape Publishing, 1985

• Dennis Noble, „Rescued by the Coast Guard“, Annapolis, MD. US Naval Institute Press, 2004.

• Sherry S. Stancliff, „Fort Mercer and Pendleton Rescues“, Golden Tide Rips, New London CT, 1950

• W. Russell Webster, „The Pendleton Rescue“, Online article at www.cg36500

• Lamar Stonecypher, „Old Steel — The Wreck of the SS Pennsylvania“, Kudzu Monthly, 2002, (On-line Publication)

• Morris, Sid, „Ignore Blizzard — Return to Ship“, The News, Ketchikan, Alaska, 1965

• W. K. Earle, „A Saga of Ships, Men and the Sea“, New London, CT. U. S. Coast Guard Magazine, June, 1952

• Rescue cg36500, Orleans Historical Society, Orleans, MA, 1985

• Collier’s Magazine, „The Coast Guard’s Finest Hours“, NY, NY. December 27, 1952

• Theresa Mitchell Barbo, John Galluzzo, Capt. W. Russell Webster, USCG (Ret.) The Pendleton Disaster Off Cape Cod Charleston, SC. The History Press, 2007

• J. W. Dalton. The Life Savers of Cape Cod Chatham Press 1902 (reprint 1967)

• Robert Frump. Until the Sea Shall Free Them New York. Doubleday, 2001

• William P. Quinn. Shipwrecks around New England Orleans, Massachusetts. Lower Cape Publishing, 1979

• William P. Quinn. Shipwrecks around Cape Cod, Orleans, Massachusetts. Lower Cape Publishing, 1973

• Robert Farson, Twelve Men Down, Orleans, MA. Cape Cod Historical Publications, 2000

• Charles B. Hathaway. From Highland to Hammerhead Self-published, 2000

• H. R. Kaplan. Voyager Beware Rand McNally, 1966

• Robert Erwin Johnson. Guardians of the Sea U. S. Naval Institute Press, 1989
