Фафърд и Сивия Мишелов (Fafhrd and Gray Mouser)
Базарът на чудесата 5,3
- Bazaar of the Bizarre, 1963
Примамката 3
- The Bait, 1973
Среща със злото в Ланхмар 4,8
- Ill Met in Lankhmar, 1970
1. Мечове и черна магия 4,9
- Swords and Deviltry, 1970
- Сваляне на всички:
Време за развлечения 3,5
- Coming Attraction, 1950
Кофа въздух 5
- A Pail of Air, 1951
Кофа въздух 5,5
- A Pail of Air, 1951
Кофа въздух 0
- A Pail of Air, 1951
Х бележи пешеходната пътека 4
- X Marks the Pedwalk, 1963
- Сваляне на всички:
По-долу е показана статията за Фриц Лейбър от свободната енциклопедия Уикипедия, която може да се допълва и подобрява от своите читатели. Текстовото й съдържание се разпространява при условията на лиценза „Криейтив Комънс Признание — Споделяне на споделеното 3.0“.
Фриц Лейбър | |
![]() | |
Роден | 24 декември 1910 г. |
Починал | 5 септември 1992 г. Сан Франциско, САЩ |
Професия | писател |
Националност | ![]() |
Активен период | 1934 – 1992 |
Жанр | научна фантастика, фентъзи, хорър, |
Награди | Хюго, Небюла |
Уебсайт | |
Фриц Лейбър в Общомедия |
Фриц Рютър Лейбър-младши (на английски: Fritz Reuter Leiber Jr.) е американски писател на фентъзи и научна фантастика.
Завършва Чикагския университет, след което сменя много различни професии. Най-голям успех постига като актьор. Професионално с литература започва да се занимава през 1956 г. Като писател Фриц Лейбър постига огромни успехи. През своята писателска кариера той е отличен с осем награди Хюго и с четири награди Небюла.
Умира на 5 септември 1992 г.
Поредица Change War
- The Big Time
- The Mind Spider and Other Stories
- The Changewar
Поредица Фафрд и Сивия Мишелов (Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser)
- Swords and Deviltry (Мечове и черна магия, ИК Орфия 2005 г.) – сборник
- Swords Against Death (Мечове срещу смъртта, Издателство Изток-запад 2018 г.) – сборник
- Swords in the Mist – сборник
- Swords Against Wizardry – сборник
- The Swords of Lankhmar – роман
- Swords and Ice Magic – сборник
- The Knight and Knave of Swords – сборник
- A Spectre is Haunting Texas
- Conjure Wife
- Destiny Times Three
- Gather, Darkness!
- Our Lady of Darkness
- Rime Isle
- The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich
- The Green Millenium
- The Silver Eggheads
- The Wanderer
- You're All Alone
Повести и разкази
- 237 Talking Statues, Etc.
- A Bad Day for Sales
- A Bit of the Dark World
- A Deskful of Girls
- A Hitch in Space
- A Pail of Air (Кофа въздух)
- A Rite of Spring
- Adept's Gambit
- Alice and the Alergy
- All the Weed in the World
- America the Beautiful
- Another Cask of Wine
- Answering Service
- Appointment in Tomorrow
- Be of Good Cheer
- Beauty and the Beasts
- Belsen Express
- Black Corridor
- Black Glass
- Black Has Its Charms
- Bread Overhead
- Bullet With His Name
- Business of Killing
- Cat Three
- Cat's Cradle
- Catch That Zeppelin!
- Coming Attraction (Атракция)
- Conjure Wife
- Crazy Annaoj
- Cry Witch!
- Cyclops
- Damnation Morning
- Dark Vengeance
- Dark Wings
- Day Dark, Night Bright
- Deadly Moon
- Destiny Times Three
- Diary in the Snow
- Do You Know Dave Wenzel?
- Dr. Adams' Garden of Evil
- Dr. Kometevsky's Day
- Endfray of the Ofay
- Far Reach to Cygnus
- Femmequin 973
- Four Ghosts in Hamlet
- Friends and Enemies
- Game for Motel Room (Игра в мотелската стая)
- Goggles of Dr. Dragonet
- Gold, Black and Silver
- Gonna Roll the Bones
- Hatchery of Dreams
- Horrible Imaginings
- I'm Looking for „Jeff“
- Ill Met in Lankhmar
- In the Witch's Tent
- In the X-Ray
- Kindergarten
- Knight to Move
- Kreativity for Kats
- Last
- Later Than You Think
- Lean Times in Lankhmar
- Let Freedom Ring
- Lie Still, Snow White
- Little Old Miss Macbeth
- Mariana
- Martians, Keep Out!
- Midnight by the Morphy Watch
- Midnight in the Mirror World
- Moon Duel
- Mr. Bauer and the Atoms
- Mysterious Doings in the Metropolitan Museum
- Myths My Great-Granddaughter Told Me
- Nice Girl with Five Husbands
- Night Passage
- No Great Magic
- One Station of the Way
- Our Saucer Vacation
- Pipe Dream
- Richmond, Late September, 1849
- Rump-Titty-Titty-Tum-TAH-Tee
- Sanity
- Schizo Jimmie
- Scream Wolf
- Scylla's Daughter
- Sea Magic
- Ship of Shadows
- Smoke Ghost
- Space-Time for Springers
- Spider Mansion
- Stardock
- Success
- Sunk Without Trace
- Taboo
- The 64-Square Madhouse
- The Automatic Pistol
- The Bait
- The Beat Cluster
- The Big Engine
- The Big Holiday
- The Big Trek
- The Black Ewe
- The Black Gondolier
- The Bleak Shore
- The Bump
- The Button Molder
- The Casket-Demon
- The Cat Hotel
- The Circle Curse
- The Cloud of Hate
- The Creature from Cleveland Depths
- The Crystal Prison
- The Curse of the Smalls and the Stars
- The Dead Man
- The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich
- The Death of Princes
- The Diary in the Snow
- The Dreams of Albert Moreland
- The Eeriest Ruined Dawn World
- The Enchanted Forest
- The Foxholes of Mars
- The Frost Monstreme
- The Ghost Light
- The Girl with the Hungry Eyes
- The Goggles of Dr. Dragonet
- The Good New Days
- The Haunted Future
- The Hill and the Hole
- The Hound
- The Howling Tower
- The Improper Authorities
- The Inheritance
- The Last Letter
- The Lion and the Lamb
- The Lords of Quarmall
- The Lotus Eaters
- The Man Who Made Friends with Electricity
- The Man Who Never Grew Young
- The Mechanical Bride
- The Mer She
- The Mind Spider
- The Moon Is Green
- The Mouser Goes Below
- The Mutant's Brother
- The Night He Cried
- The Night of the Long Knives
- The Number of the Beast
- The Oldest Soldier
- The Phantom Slayer
- The Power of the Puppets
- The Price of Pain-Ease
- The Princess in the Tower 250,000 Miles High
- The Reward
- The Sadness of the Executioner
- The Secret Songs
- The Seven Black Priests
- The Ship Sails at Midnight
- The Silence Game
- The Silver Eggheads
- The Snow Women
- The Snowbank Orbit
- The Spider
- The Square Root of Brain
- The Sunken Land
- The Terror from the Depths
- The Turned-off Heads
- The Two Best Thieves in Lankhmar
- The Unholy Grail
- The Winter Flies
- The Wrong Branch
- Their Mistress, the Sea
- They Never Come Back
- Thieves' House
- Thought
- Time Fighter
- Time in the Round
- To Arkham and the Stars
- To Make a Roman Holiday
- Trapped in the Sea of Stars
- Trapped in the Shadowland
- Try and Change the Past
- Two Sought Adventure
- Under the Thumbs of the Gods
- Waif
- Wanted – An Enemy
- What's He Doing in There?
- When Brahma Wakes
- When the Change Winds Blow
- When the Last Gods Die
- When the Sea-King's Away
- When They Openly Walk
- X Marks the Pedwalk
- Yesterday House
- You're All Alone
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