Много слаб превод… историята ме заинтригува, но в един момент текстът стана съвсем ужасен за четене и си свалих оригинала на английски — огромни разлики… Лилиан е всъщност Алис, а Аскот са Монтгомери… И ако беше само това ….. По-долу едно сравнение:
"………Веднага след прегръдката Джудит се сгуши като дете в Гевин и потъна в дълбок сън. Мъжът лежа дълго буден, взрян в лицето на заспалата жена, която днес бе станала негова съпруга. Не можеше да се насити да я гледа.
Никога не беше изпитвал това прекрасно усещане след любовна среща. Умората беше толкова приятна. Накрая и той заспа с усмивка на устните си. "
„……. Eventually Judith fell into a deep, exhausted sleep, her leg thrown over Gavin’s, her hair twisted round and round his arm.
But Gavin did not fall asleep immediately. He knew that this was the first time for this soft woman he held, but in a way he felt as if he had just lost his virginity, too. And that was certainly an absurd idea. He could not possibly remember all the women he’d taken to his bed. But tonight was infinitely different. Never had he experienced such passion. With other women, when he felt his arousal at its height, they drew back. But not Judith. She had given as much as he gave.
He picked up a lock of her hair from across his neck and held it up, letting the firelight play though the strands. He held it to his nose, then to his lips. She moved against him and he snuggled closer. Even in sleep she wanted him nearby.
Gavin’s eyes grew heavy. For the first time he could ever remember, he was sated and content. Ah, but there was the morning. He smiled before he drifted asleep………..“
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