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- freeread.com.au (Martin Crusoe. A Boy’s Adventure on Wizard Island. London: C.A. Pearson Ltd., 1923.)
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XIV. Ordeal by Fire
“You will strip to the skin, bathe yourself in the fluid in this bath, then wait until you are dry and dress yourself in these garments,” said Hymer to Martin. “When you are dressed, and just before the door opens, you will step upon this stone which you see is covered with a gray powder. Rub your feet thoroughly in the powder, so that the soles are completely covered with it. Then come forth, and follow the path.”
“Be not afraid,” he added gravely.
Before Martin could say a word, he had passed out through a door at the back of the room of preparation, and Martin was left alone.
To say that Martin was happy or comfortable would be stretching the truth dangerously. His heart was thumping, and he had a nasty sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach.
Little wonder, for the small dressing-room in which he stood was filled with the deep droning of the fire fountain, and the solid ground beneath him vibrated under its rushing tide of fire.
Around the flame spout—Akon had shown it to him on the previous evening—at a distance of no more than ten or a dozen yards, ran a raised pathway of stone; and the nature of the ordeal was that he had to tread this path, making a complete circle of the fire.
How such a thing was possible, how he could accomplish such a feat and live, was beyond Martin’s understanding. Talk of a burning, fiery furnace—why, the heat at such close range would scorch the very flesh from his bones.
Yes, he was badly scared, yet, with the inborn pluck which was his, he had no thought of trying to escape the ordeal. To attempt it was the only way of saving Akon and his father from the fury of Odan. If he failed, well, then, he was a dead man, but at any rate he would have died with the feeling that he had done his duty; if by any miracle he succeeded, then the whole case was changed. The half-savage Lemurians would turn upon Odan, and the revolution would be at an end.
These were the thoughts that passed through his mind as he proceeded to follow out the chief priest’s instructions. He stripped off his drill jacket and breeches, his boots and puttees, and all his clothes. As he laid them over the back of a bench he wondered grimly if he would ever wear them again. Then he got into the great stone bath filled with clear, cool water which had a curious silky feel, and a peculiar but not unpleasant odor. When he got out his skin prickled slightly and had a strangely soft feeling. It was no hardship to wait until he was dry, for the place was almost uncomfortably warm.
The clothes which Hymer had left him were of a white material, resembling wool, but very thick and heavy. The outer garment was like a dressing gown, belted at the waist, and coming down to his ankles. There was a turban-like head-dress. Examining the stuff, Martin made up his mind that it was probably made of asbestos fibre, and therefore fireproof. It was quite clear that the priest was doing his best for him; yet, even so, Martin felt that no precautions could save him from the effects of that terrific, furnace-like heat.
He had just got into the dress when the inner door opened and Prince Akon entered. His forehead was knitted, and his brilliant blue eyes were full of anxiety.
Striding forward, he took Martin by both hands.
“My friend,” he said sharply, “you must not do this thing. Take your pistol, and I will take my sword. With our men who are still faithful, we will fall upon Odan and slay him.”
Martin looked up and smiled. Then he shook his head.
“Akon, you are one of the best,” he said, “but you know as well as I do that it won’t work. Odan’s taking good care that we don’t try any little surprise of that sort. It would only mean that the whole lot of us, including your father, would be wiped out. No; I’m trusting Hymer, and I’m going through with it.”
Akon paused. He seemed to have some difficulty in speaking.
“You are very brave,” he said at last. “And as I see that your mind is made up, I will not argue more. But this I promise—if harm comes to you, I myself will settle your debt. I will kill Odan.”
“You’d much better sit tight and look after your father,” returned Martin. “Once I am out of the way, Odan won’t have any further cause for complaint. But, talking of debts, I want you to settle one or two of mine if you can possibly manage it—I mean, in case I am not able to do it myself. Will you?”
“Tell me,” replied Akon simply.
“In the first place,” said Martin, “I want you to get news to the Professor, and if possible send my flying boat back to him.”
“It shall be done,” said Akon, “if I am alive to do it.”
Martin laughed.
“You can’t do it if you’re dead. That’s a sure thing. And now for the other business. You seem to have lots of gold here?”
“Next to tin and copper, it is our most plentiful metal,” agreed Akon. “But of what use is gold to you?”
“None to me, personally. But it’s worth a lot in my country. We use it for money, as I have told you before. Can you spare some?”
“A hundred men’s load, if you so desire.”
“Bless you, two or three will be enough. Now see here. My father died owing money. It was not his fault, but I want to pay it and so clear his memory. Now, on this paper I have written down the name of the man who will pay these debts for me. He is our man of law. Give the gold and this paper to the Professor; and I know that he will manage the business for me if he ever gets back home again.”
“It shall be done,” repeated Akon; and as he spoke the deep thunder of a metal gong rose above the shrill whistle of the fire fountain. He started up.
“That is the signal!” he exclaimed. “The door is about to open.”
“Then I must rub my feet in this powder,” said Martin quickly; and, springing on the stone, he proceeded to do so.
Next moment the outer door, worked by invisible levers, swung slowly open.
One last grip of Akon’s hand, then Martin stepped out into the arena. A path, white and smooth like the one which circled the gas geyser, led straight from the door. For a moment Martin paused and glanced around him.
Now he became aware that there were no fewer than three separate galleries surrounding the immense circle, and that each of these was packed almost to suffocation. There were many thousands of people both brown skinned and white, but the brown men were much more numerous. And all these thousands of pairs of eyes were centered upon the boy who stood alone, robed in white, on the pathway beneath them.
Not a sound did they make. The hush was broken only by the steady blast of the gas fountain in the centre. Seen from below, this spout of fire was even more terrible and impressive than as Martin had first seen it from above. The shaft from which it rose seemed to be about two feet across; and close to the ground the pressure was so great that the flame was invisible. It appeared first at about a man’s height from the ground, and here it was blue and almost transparent. Higher up it broadened and turned yellow, and from that white, until, near its towering summit, it was a great umbrella-like shape of incandescent gas.
As it happened the day was overcast, a rare thing in that part of the world, and against the canopy of dull cloud overhead the flame gleamed with intolerable brilliance, throwing up into strongest relief all those thousands of strained faces that lined the tiers of galleries.
Two faces in all that crowd Martin saw as he looked swiftly round. One was the King’s, grave yet splendid under its thick thatch of silver hair; the other Odan’s. The King sat upon a raised seat on the north side of the highest gallery; Odan in a great chair, exactly opposite. And Odan’s fierce eyes gleamed with a savage delight which filled Martin with sudden remorse that he had not taken his chance on the previous day, and killed the evil beast.
All this he took in within a few seconds. Then, with head erect, he walked steadily along the path.
At every step the heat increased. Before he was half-way across the space separating him from the fire fountain it had become almost intolerable. It was upon his face that he felt the worst of it. The clothes with which Hymer had provided him were clearly made of a non-conducting substance. They protected his body completely. With a quick movement he pulled his head-dress more closely over his face, and moved on.
Now he was within thirty paces of the flame, and it took every ounce of will-power and resolution he possessed to keep going. If it were like this now, what would it be by the time he reached the path itself? Could flesh and blood carry him so far?
His head spun, his pace slackened in spite of himself. All that he was conscious of was the hideous roaring of the flame and the intolerable heat which beat upon him. He was in such torture that the mad idea came upon him to rush forward, hurl himself into the flame itself, and so end his pain.
Five steps more, and his senses were rapidly leaving him. Then—was he dreaming or was it really true?—the mighty pillar of flame seemed to flicker like a candle in a draught. The deep-toned whistle was cut short, and before his astonished eyes the whole thing went out like a blown candle.
For an instant Martin was unable to trust his senses. He stood perfectly still. Then like a flash it came to him that this might be only a temporary respite, and that if he did not hurry the flame might burst out again.
On he went, reached the white circle, and with long but steady strides marched round it. Though the stone was almost red hot beneath him he hardly noticed it. In some strange way the powder saved his skin from burning. He completed the circle, turned deliberately, and marched back towards the edge of the arena amid a silence that was like death. Hardly was he half-way back before, with a screech like a hundred steam whistles, the pent up gas broke loose again, and the flame went soaring to the skies.
But loud as was its roar, it was nothing to the thunder of shouting which burst from ten thousand throats, and sent echoes crashing to and fro across the vast arena.
Martin paid no attention. Now that the strain was over, he began to feel how terrible it had been. He was sick and giddy, and his one idea was to reach the dressing-room before he collapsed.
As he got to the door he felt himself staggering, but before he fell Akon’s strong arms seized him, and the splendid young Norseman set him gently in a chair and put a cup to his lips.
What it contained Martin did not know, but it was exquisitely cool and fresh, and must have been a strong tonic into the bargain, for he felt new life flowing in his veins.
“Is—is it all right?” he panted out.
“You did splendidly,” Akon told him. “Even the flame could not destroy one so brave as you.”
“Nonsense!” said Martin pettishly. “Who was it that turned the tap off just at the right moment?”
Akon gazed at him blankly; and it came to Martin, with a strange shock, that the prince actually believed a miracle had happened.
He changed the subject quickly.
“Now I hope they’ll let me go home,” he said.
Akon looked at him gravely.
“I fear not,” he answered. “Listen to them shouting! They are crying for you to be their leader in place of Odan.”
For once Martin came very near losing his temper.
“They want me to be their chief in place of Odan!” he exclaimed. “Did anyone ever hear such foolishness? Akon, I am going down to the Bat this minute, and I shall be away at Lost Island before they know I am gone.”
As he spoke he sprang up.
But he had miscalculated his strength. He had not in the least realized how tremendous had been the strain of the last twenty minutes. He stood swaying a moment, then collapsed, and Akon was just in time to catch him as he fell.