• 1. Nikolay Shumkov (20 декември 2011 в 00:12)

    God bless this man. He is really good interpreter and translator. I have no idea is this gentleman is the same who was my teacher in English language school in Russe many years ago. If so… Respect. He is one of the best in Bulgaria and I will never ever answer myself why he have never tried to translate Shakespeare? I think to translate fiction is not less difficult as classics? It’s just my opinion. May be I am wrong. I thank Mr. Aslanjan for the knowliges he gave to me as a pupil. That’s help me a lot in my life in Great Britain and my work in European Community in Brussels. Best wishes to Mr. Aslanjan( if he is or not the same person who was my first English language teather ).

    Nikolay Shumkov

    A preparatory class year 1972 or so

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