
Сребърен пламък 5,3

Silver Blaze,

Картонената кутия 5,4

The Adventure of the Cardboard Box,
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Жълтото лице 5,5

The Adventure of the Yellow Face,
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Писарят 5,5

The Adventure of the Stockbroker’s Clerk,
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„Глория Скот“ 5,1

The Adventure of the Gloria Scott,
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Ритуалът на рода Мъсгрейв 5,1

The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual,

Земевладелецът от Райгейт 5,2

The Adventure of the Reigate Squire,
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Гърбавият 5,6

The Adventure of the Crooked Man,
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Вечният болен 5,6

The Adventure of the Resident Patient,
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Преводачът грък 5,1

The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter,
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Морски договор 5,2

The Adventure of the Naval Treaty,
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Последен случай 5,4

The Adventure of the Final Problem,
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