Във финалната част е изпусната почти цяла страница при набирането. Когато бащата и майката на Харви идват при Диско има няколко големи абзаца, в които г-н Чейн първо „случайно“ заговорва за сина си и после изведнъж казва че Харви е негов син. Тук това липсва.
9 ГЛАВА…..
А за госпожата ще спуснем стълба.
— С най-голямо удоволствие. Няма да ти е трудно, мамичко, и сама ще можеш да погледнеш.
Жената, която в продължение на цяла седмица не можеше да повдигне глава, се покатери по стълбата и застана като поразена сред бъркотията от въжета в задната част на кораба.
— Вие ли се интересувате от Харв? — запита Диско.
— Да.
Дългия Джек подсвирна.
— Ох, Диско — каза той и това беше всичко. — тук трябва да присъства следният текст
Be you anyways interested in Harve?" said Disko.
„Well, ye–es.“
„He’s a good boy, an’ ketches right hold jest as he’s bid. You’ve heard haow we found him? He was sufferin’ from nervous prostration, I guess, ’r else his head had hit somethin’, when we hauled him aboard. He’s all over that naow. Yes, this is the cabin. ’Tain’t in order, but you’re quite welcome to look araound. Those are his figures on the stove–pipe, where we keep the reckonin’ mostly.“
„Did he sleep here?“ said Mrs. Cheyne, sitting on a yellow locker and surveying the disorderly bunks.
„No. He berthed forward, madam, an’ only fer him an’ my boy hookin’ fried pies an muggin’ up when they ought to ha’ been asleep, I dunno as I’ve any special fault to find with him.“
„There weren’t nothin’ wrong with Harve,“ said Uncle Salters, descending the steps. „He hung my boots on the main–truck, and he ain’t over an’ above respectful to such as knows more’n he do, specially about farmin’; but he were mostly misled by Dan.“
Dan in the meantime, profiting by dark hints from Harvey early that morning, was executing a war–dance on deck. „Tom, Tom!“ he whispered down the hatch. „His folks has come, an’ Dad hain’t caught on yet, an’ they’re pow–wowin’ in the cabin. She’s a daisy, an’ he’s all Harve claimed he was, by the looks of him.“
„Howly Smoke!“ said Long Jack, climbing out covered with salt and fish–skin. „D’ye belave his tale av the kid an’ the little four–horse rig was thrue?“
„I knew it all along,“ said Dan. „Come an’ see Dad mistook in his judgments.“
They came delightedly, just in time to hear Cheyne say: „I’m glad he has a good character, because—he’s my son.“
Disko’s jaw fell,—Long Jack always vowed that he heard the click of it,—and he stared alternately at the man and the woman.
„I got his telegram in San Diego four days ago, and we came over.“
„In a private car?“ said Dan. „He said ye might.“
„In a private car, of course.“
Dan looked at his father with a hurricane of irreverent winks.
„There was a tale he told us av drivin’ four little ponies in a rig av his own,“ said Long Jack. „Was that thrue now?“
„Very likely,“ said Cheyne. „Was it, Mama?“
„He had a little drag when we were in Toledo, I think,“ said the mother.
Long Jack whistled. „Oh, Disko!“ said he, and that was all.
„I wuz—I am mistook in my jedgments—worse’n the men o’ Marblehead,“ said Disko, as though the words were being windlassed out of him. „I don’t mind ownin’ to you, Mr. Cheyne, as I mistrusted the boy to be crazy. He talked kinder odd about money.“
В Читанка текста най-внезапно продължава от тук
— Аз, аз съм сгрешил в преценките си, и то по-лошо, отколкото хората от Марбълхед — промълви Диско така тихо, като че вятърът донесе думите му. — Не се срамувам да ви го кажа, господин Чейн, смятах, че момчето не е на себе си. Говореше някак странно за пари.
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