
Скандал в Бохемия 5,3

A Scandal in Bohemia,
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Добре замислено 5,4

A Case of Identity,
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Човекът с обърнатата устна 5,5

The Man with the Twisted Lip,
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Синият карбункул 5,6

The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle,
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Пъстрата лента 5,5

The Adventure of the Speckled Band,
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Палецът на инженера 5,3

The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb,
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Благородният ерген 4,8

The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor,
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Короната с берилите 5,7

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet,
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Тайната на заключената стая 5,7

The Adventure of the Copper Beeches,
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